Movie News

More Hobbit Merchandise at Forbidden Planet

Some readers may recall an earlier post featuring Forbidden Planet’s unique Hobbit merchandise: the keychain and necklace of Thorin’s key, a Hobbit-logo keychain, and a couple of pin/badge sets made the cut. But then! Almost as soon as we reported on them, they were gone, and we mourned our inability to purchase all the Hobbit things that had obviously been accidentally released a little too early.

Mourn no longer, dear friends – the merch is back, and with more variety! Let’s take a look and see what’s new…

First, we have the Thorin Mini Bust, a stern likeness of Mr. Armitage leaning on his sword. I’m going to be honest: I’m not sure what the designer was going for with this base. It sort of looks like Thorin is frustrated that he’s stuck in a column. Compare this with the Gollum Mini Bust, where the character looks like he might be angrily disengaging himself from the base.  Gollum retails for £49.99, but if you want your own adorably stuck Thorin, you’ll have to sign up for email updates – he’s already sold out.


Next we’ve got some prop replicas, with prices ranging from the Very Affordable (like the light-up Sting and the toy battle axe) to the My Kid Doesn’t Need to go to College Anyway:


Dwalin’s Axes – £399.99


Forbidden Planet has a bunch of Hobbit-related games and books of course, but they have taken play a step further and catered to

Plush Gandalf – £8.99

our heretofore unrecognized need to cuddle and squish our favorite characters. Their vinyl and plush versions of Gandalf, Gollum, and Bilbo are getting a lot of internet love these days, and you can see why. I mean COME ON. That teeny staff! The fuzzy beard! It’s nearly too much, people.

There is also a really nice selection of maps, and posters, and action figures… heck, what are you still doing here? Go visit Forbidden Planet to see all of the Hobbit merchandise and get something squishy or weapony for yourself!

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