Tolkien News

Study “The Hobbit: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Mythic Sources” at Newberry Library This Fall

Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried of The Norse Mythology Blog will be teaching two upcoming courses focusing on Norse culture and mythology, both of which are open to the public and require no previous study.

Norse Mythology: Religion and Culture

This course will meet for eight class sessions on Tuesdays from 7-9 pm and run from September 24 to November 19. In this course, which will be taught at Loyola University Chicago, students will learn about the gods and goddesses in Norse mythology and read modern translations of ancient myths and poems.

The Hobbit: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Mythic Sources

This course will also meet for eight class sessions (Wednesdays from 5:45-7:45 pm) from October 2 to November 20 at the Newberry Library. Students will study Norse mythology, German legend, and English literature, as well as the influences these had on J.R.R. Tolkien’s popular classic, The Hobbit.

For more information, or to register for either of these courses, visit

About Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried

Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried is a Norse mythologist and musician in Chicago. In addition to teaching Norse mythology courses at Loyola University Chicago and Newberry Library, he is Norse Religion Facultu at Carthage College and Founder & Faculty Advisor of the Carthage College Tolkien Society. You can find him on Twitter (@NorseMythNews) or visit his webpage at

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