Movie News

A Spoiler-free Review of ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’


If you’re one of those fans who keeps a 10 foot pole in between you and spoilers, then this Desolation of Smaug review is for you. This review contains no spoilers, but it gives the curious fan a small taste of the things they can expect to see in DOS.

In Peter Jackson’s latest Hobbit film, fans can look forward to a more fast-paced story line. Indeed, I found the film to be very energetic, without a dull moment. The action-packed sequel looked fantastic in 3D and I found myself thinking back to scenes from The Lord of the Rings trilogy and comparing how much motion capture has advanced since then. Speaking of which, die-hard LOTR film fans will also very much appreciate some of the references and familiar scenes placed throughout DOS as well.

I remember watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey for the first time in the theater and being captivated at how amazingly gross the Goblin King was. It’s that same attention to detail that is seen throughout DOS, turning places like Mirkwood, Laketown, and Erebor turn to pure digital eye candy.

While there are many scenes I loved in J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel that played out on screen as I had envisioned them, there were quite a few serious changes to the story line I was not prepared for. Indeed, I think those that consider themselves Tolkien “purists” will not be so pleased with some of the additions. But despite the changes, I found myself wanting the story to continue when the credits began to roll. As a matter of fact, do make sure to stay after “I See Fire” plays during the end credits, as there is a wonderful track titled “Beyond the Forest” that will play. It’s absolutely wonderful.

Over all, I enjoyed the movie despite the story line changes and will be seeing it again come December 13. But don’t take my word for it! Go see it yourself and decide what to make of it.

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