Movie News

New Zealand Tourism Has Overtaken Dairy as the Nation’s Top Earner of Overseas Dollars


(Mark Baker / AP. Source: Chicago Tribune)

New Zealand has always been famous for its dairy industry, but the income from dairy products has fallen by 22 percent over the past two years, Statistics New Zealand says.

“Dairy farmer Jessie Chan-Dorman, who runs 950 cows on her farm near Christchurch, said most dairy farmers have been losing money in recent years as prices for milk powder have hit record lows.”

Fortunately the Hobbit movies helped boosting the tourism industry during the last few years. “Kevin Bowler, the chief executive of Tourism New Zealand, said people were drawn to New Zealand by its spectacular landscapes and its outdoor lifestyle. The “Hobbit” movies showcased some of that scenery and were heavily marketed overseas.” Also, a “survey showed 16 percent of tourists cited the movies as influential in their initial interest in New Zealand.”

Other boosts have been the increase in flights from the US and the mention of the Taranaki region as a place to visit in 2017 from Lonely Planet.

Now, said Bowler, the challenge is to provide enough accomodation and to ensure tourists that they can savor their individual experiences.

You can read the full article on Chicago Tribune.

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