Articles written by: Jim Stonehelm

With, alas, no direct relation to Thorin III Stonehelm, Jim has been an avid fan of Middle-earth after witnessing its cinematic creation in The Fellowship of the Ring, back in 2001. Ever since, he has been hopping between real and fantasy worlds; also delving into J.R.R. Tolkien's more academic works. Apart from leisure reading, he tends to analyse in-depth the intricacies of Middle-earth, trying to understand the author's intentions, aspirations and influences.

The Shire’s Military Structure?

They are (or were) a little people, about half our height […] have long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs  The Hobbit, ‘An Unexpected Party’, Chapter I Ranks of skilled archers […]

Beowulf: The Lost King of Rohan

An Anglo-Saxon Connection The Anglo-Saxon epic has been acknowledged many times as one of the major sources of inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. The world in the poem is easily comparable to Rohan […]

The Bearer and the Ring: The Concept of Invisibility

History’s ‛Rings of Power’ Twenty Rings of Power – but only one held dominance over the rest. Residing at the heart of The Lord of the Rings, the One Ring is one of the most […]

The Curious Case of Radagast the Brown

Who was Radagast the Brown? A member of the Order of wizards, Radagast was a Maia sent to Middle-earth to aid its inhabitants against the growing threat of Sauron. During the Council of Elrond in […]

Experiencing the Music of the Ainur

Opening up a copy of The Silmarillion for a quiet afternoon read, both newcomers and ardent Tolkien fans alike are faced with a hefty introduction to the book and the cosmological beginnings of Middle-earth. A […]