Movie News

Amazing Photos of Hobbiton

On his Flickr account, Gareth Eves recently posted some amazing photos of the Hobbiton set from a recent trip to New Zealand. When I sought permission to post them on the Middle-earth News site, he was kind enough to dig out even more photos from a previous trip years before.

“The first time I went was 2004 and was straight after university so [I] was travelling/backpacking,” he said of his trip. “This year I went back, as my brother is out there doing the same so we were visiting him. While there, I took the opportunity to visit a few places I’d been previously, and of course Hobbiton was one of those places. Out of interest, [on the 2004 trip] I did do a few other LOTR tours at other locations, Hobbiton is the most “obvious” and the one that still appears as it does in the movies.”

* The first 11 photos are from 2004; the remaining 17 are from 2012.


A huge thank you to Gareth for sharing these amazing photos, and for being kind enough to let us post them on our site!


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