Year 3019 – The Lord of the Rings
March 2
- Frodo comes to the end of the Marshes
- Gandalf comes to Edoras and heals Théoden
- The Rohirrim ride west against Saruman
- Second Battle of Fords of Isen. Erkenbrand defeated.
- Entmoot ends in afternoon. The Ents march on Isengard and reach it at night.
March 3
- Théoden retreats to Helm’s Deep
- Battle of the Horn-burg begins
- Ents complete the destruction of Isengard
March 4
- Théoden and Gandalf set out from Helm’s Deep for Isengard
- Frodo reaches the slagmounds on the edge of the Desolation of the Morannon
March 5
- Théoden reaches Isengard at noon
- Parley with Saruman in Orthanc
- Winged Nazgûl passes over the camp at Dol Baran
- Gandalf sets out with Peregrin for Minas Tirith
- Frodo hides in sight of the Morannon, and leaves at dusk
March 6
- Aragorn overtaken by the Dúnedain in the early hours
- Théoden sets out from the Hornburg for Harrowdale; Aragorn sets out later
March 7
- Frodo taken by Faramir to Henneth Annûn
- Aragorn comes to Dunharrow at nightfall
March 8
- Aragorn takes the ‘Paths of the Dead’ at daybreak; he reaches Erech at midnight
- Frodo leaves Henneth Annûn