Tolkien Group Directory
Welcome to the Middle-earth News Tolkien Group Directory! Here you will find a list of known Tolkien Societies, Groups, and Smials that meet up around the world. Our hope is that this information will help connect fans worldwide, so enjoy and be sure to share it with fellow fans around you.
Don’t see your group listed? Tell us and we’ll add it in! Send an email to and be sure to include your group’s name, location, links, and a small descriptive paragraph.
Asia & Australasia
New South Wales – Tol Harndor
The primary purpose of Tol Harndor is to discuss, discover and delight in the works and life of the late Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1896-1973), through the media of personal contact, postal mail, electronic mail, the internet and any other suitable medium. The spirit of communication will be one of friendly, liberal, easy going and obligation free conversation.
Jakarta – Council of Eorl
Eorlingas: The Indonesian Tolkien Society adalah perkumpulan para pecinta karya Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien di Indonesia yang didirikan di Jakarta pada 12 Juli 2003. Eorlingas bertujuan mewadahi penyebarluasan informasi dan diskusi; membangun komunikasi dan kerja sama antar penggemar, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, serta meningkatkan apresiasi dan pemahaman masyarakat Indonesia terhadap karya-karya Tolkien dan adaptasinya.
Wellington – Welly-moot
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Essentially, we get together with the intention of discussing all things Tolkien, although occasionally this descends into a discussion of everything BUT Tolkien. No matter – the real reason to get together is to meet kindred spirits, and to enjoy an afternoon together, with coffee and cake. Or without.
Taipei – Tol-Eressea
成立於2003年5月,由 Palandiliar 向 Tolkien Society 官方申請通過。
Österreichische Tolkiengesellschaft (ÖTG)
Auch für Österreich, als eine der letzten europäischen Nationen, war im Herbst des Jahres 2002 die Zeit für eine eigene Tolkiengesellschaft gekommen.
Gemäß dem Österreichischen Vereinsgesetz wurde am 20. September 2002 die Österreichische Tolkiengesellschaft (ÖTG) als Verein mit eigenen Statuten registriert. Bei der Generalversammlung am 12. Oktober 2002 wurden der erste Vorstand gewählt und die Weichen für die Zukunft der ÖTG gestellt.
Bienvenue sur le site de Tolkiendil, Association Loi 1901 pour la promotion de l’oeuvre de J.R.R. Tolkien.
J.R.R. Tolkien est un auteur britannique du vingtième siècle, devenu une référence du genre imaginaire grâce à son livre Le Seigneur des Anneaux qui faisait suite à Bilbo le Hobbit. Après sa mort, son fils fit publier ses notes décrivant son immense univers dans divers autres ouvrages notamment le Silmarillion.
L’association Tolkiendil vous propose d’explorer cet univers en participant à diverses activités comme l’organisation de rencontre, la participation à des salons, des discussions sur le chat ou le forum, l’annuaire de sites Yrch! ainsi que son site.
П ърво , искаме да Ви благодарим, че посетихте нашия сайт и се надяваме, че, прекарвайки приятно, ще можете да научите нещо ново за Толкин, независимо дали сте запален почитател на фентъзито или просто случаен посетител. Целта на този сайт е да предостави възможно най-цялостната и подробна информация за живота и повествованията на Дж. Р. Р. Толкин и то изцяло на български език.
Formålet er, “at hygge sig i Bris ånd” og dette foregår ved at holde og deltage i banketter, møder, arrangementer m.m. Bri udgiver medlemsbladet “Pipeurten” med artikler om Tolkiens verden, dragter, opskrifter, oplevelser, kalender og meget andet.
MTÜ Keskmaa Ordu on Eesti Tolkieni selts, kes tahab väärilise au sees pidada kuulsa Inglise kirjamehe J.R.R.Tolkieni nime ja järgida oma tegemistes tema väärtushoiakuid.
Helsinki – Finnish Tolkien Society
Yhdistyksen tarkoituksena on edistää J. R. R. Tolkienin teosten ja elämäntyön tuntemusta ja tutkimusta Suomessa, luoda yhteyksiä Tolkienista kiinnostuneiden välille niin kotimaassa kuin ulkomaille, edistää fantasiakirjallisuuden ja -elokuvien harrastamista sekä toimia yhteistyössä alan verkkosivustojen kanssa.
JRRVF est né le 25 juin 1998. A cette époque, le Net francophone (au contraire des pays anglo-saxons) se faisait encore peu l’écho du talent de Tolkien. Je supposais que le sujet se prêtait tout à fait aux possibilités d’internet et qu’un intérêt existait chez les internautes francophones.
Bienvenue sur le site de Tolkiendil, Association Loi 1901 pour la promotion de l’oeuvre de J.R.R. Tolkien.
J.R.R. Tolkien est un auteur britannique du vingtième siècle, devenu une référence du genre imaginaire grâce à son livre Le Seigneur des Anneaux qui faisait suite à Bilbo le Hobbit. Après sa mort, son fils fit publier ses notes décrivant son immense univers dans divers autres ouvrages notamment le Silmarillion.
L’association Tolkiendil vous propose d’explorer cet univers en participant à diverses activités comme l’organisation de rencontre, la participation à des salons, des discussions sur le chat ou le forum, l’annuaire de sites Yrch! ainsi que son site.
Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft (DTG)
Die Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft eV : über 580 Mitglieder – zwischen 13 und 83 Jahren – aus ganz Deutschland – eine bunt gemischte Gemeinschaft aus ganz verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten mit den unterschiedlichsten Lebenswegen, aber mit EINER gemeinsamen Basis: der Liebe zu Tolkiens Werken. Ob wir nun einen Vortrag hören oder einfach ein Weinchen trinken, über die neue Ring-Übersetzung lachen oder ein LARP-Kostüm nähen wollen – was uns zusammenführt, ist das Bedürfnis und das Gefühl, zur Gemeinschaft der Tolkien-Fans zu gehören, die weltweit rund um seine Person und seine Werke entstanden ist und immer größer wird.
The Prancing Pony, Greek Tolkien Society
Ο Σύλλογος μας συστάθηκε στις 5 Οκτωβρίου 2002, ως μη κερδοσκοπικόσωματείο με μορφωτικό και ψυχαγωγικό χαρακτήρα και με κύριους σκοπούς του την μελέτη του έργου του John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, την ανάπτυξη και την διάδοση αυτού στην ελληνική επικράτεια, την προώθηση της επικοινωνίας και της επαφής των προσώπων που ενδιαφέρονται γι αυτό, καθώς και την γνωριμία με όλες της μορφές έκφρασης, όπως θέατρο,κινηματογράφο, μουσική, ζωγραφική, παιγνίδια, που έχουν την έμπνευση τους σε αυτό.
Hungarian Tolkien Society (MTT)
A Magyar Tolkien Társaság (MTT) a JRR Tolkient (1892-1973), a páratlan mítoszteremtő írót és kiemelkedő filológust tisztelő, műveit és az általa teremtett mitológiát szerető, az azokban megnyilvánuló örök emberi értékeket – barátságot, szolidaritást, önzetlenséget, közösségért érzett felelősséget, az alkotó munka örömét és az érintetlen természet szépségének tiszteletét – magukénak valló magánszemélyek önkéntes és autonóm közössége. A Magyar Tolkien Társaság olyan társadalmi szervezet, melynek célja JRR Tolkien műveinek, az általa alkotott mitológiának magyarországi megismertetése, népszerűsítése, terjesztése és az ezen szövegekkel tudományos és nem tudományos formában való kritikai, elemző foglalkozás szervezése, koordinálása; azok tudományos és nem tudományos köztudatba való bevitele.
Burren Tolkien Society
This unique gathering is a celebration of the eerie beauty of the Burren area, which is believed to have been a considerable influence on J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic novel The Lord of the Rings. The untamed, rugged local landscape, including a cave known as Poll na gColm (pronounced ‘Pole na Gollum’), as well as elements of Irish mythology, may have provided inspiration for Tolkien’s creation of Middle Earth.
Basaldella – The Italian Tolkien Society
La Società Tolkieniana Italiana è un’associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro che si propone lo studio e la diffusione dell’opera dello scrittore inglese John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Costituitasi nel 1994 con sede a Basaldella (UD), essa conta ormai diverse centinaia di iscritti. Il nome ne sottolinea il legame con la “madre” inglese, la Tolkien Society. Obiettivo primario della Società Tolkieniana Italiana è “lo studio e la diffusione dell’Opera e del Pensiero di JRR Tolkien”.
Milan – Bolgeri Smial
Lo smial Bolgeri nasce nel maggio 2003 su iniziativa di Alberto Ladavas e di altri tolkieniani di Milano e dintorni, raccogliendo l’invito lanciato da Leonardo Cappelli all’assemblea estiva della STI – Società Tolkieniana Italiana di costituire, sul modello degli smial della Tolkien Society, aggregazioni locali spontanee di appassionati delle opere di Tolkien, per condividere la propria passione letteraria e godere della reciproca compagnia. La parola “smial” è infatti usata da Tolkien per indicare le case degli hobbit, luoghi di feste, incontri e serate in compagnia. Nel 2005 i Bolgeri vengono riconosciuti gruppo locale anche dalla Tolkien Society. Inizialmente lo smial raccoglie partecipanti delle principali comunità tolkieniane presenti in rete (soprattutto il newsgroup e la mailing-list LIstari) e soci della STI ma, col passare del tempo, il gruppo si è allargato arricchendosi di nuovi amici di diversa provenienza.
Rome – Proudneck
Il gruppo dei Proudneck nacque nel giugno del 2000 dal desiderio di Norbert “Mandos” Spina di incontrare di persona altri appassionati romani trovati frequentando il newsgroup
Rome – Associazione Romana Studi Tolkieniani
L’Associazione romana studi Tolkieniani si è dotata di un nuovo sito, dopo diverse prove con altre piattaforme. In rete si può ancora trovare il primo sito, il secondo sito e anche il blog dell’Associazione. “Il sentiero dei sogni”, il cui nome non è immediatamente riconducibile alle opere del professore di Oxford. Si chiama “il sentiero dei sogni” (Olòre Malle in elfico) e prende il nome dal sentiero che consentiva ai bimbi umani di raggiungere, in sogno, le terre degli Elfi, che più non fanno parte del nostro pianeta. L’Associazione conserva, studia, valorizza e diffonde studi e opere relative alla vita e agli scritti di J.R.R. Tolkien, autore di due dei libri più amati del Novecento, Lo Hobbit e Il Signore degli Anelli, e degli autori e tematiche a lui vicini. Sono tre i settori principali: Arte, Letteratura e Spettacolo.
Verona – Rohirrim
Il gruppo si trova ogni terza domenica del mese in centro a Verona, punto d’incontro: imbocco di Via Mazzini (davanti a Intimissimi) alle 16:00
In data 15 marzo 2004, dopo 2 anni di difficoltosa gestazione e l’impegno congiunto dei membri di tutto lo staff, è costituita con firma notarile dello statuto associativo (presto disponibile per la consultazione) l’associazione senza scopo di lucro “Eldalië”. Le attività dell’associazione si affiancano a quelle del sito, permettendo di avere una struttura ufficialmente riconosciuta a spalleggiare da un punto di vista organizzativo i progetti culturali ideati nell’ambito di Eldalië. L’associazione culturale tolkieniana italiana “Eldalië”, pur mantenendo una sua autonomia (si veda lo statuto associativo sul sito dedicato opera in stretta sintonia con la Società Tolkieniana Svizzera ( ed è altresì orientata a cooperare con altre associazioni di analoghe finalità presenti nel territorio italiano, al fine di dare più efficacia all’azione di divulgazione culturale.
Israeli Tolkien Society
ברוכים הבאים לאתר עמותת טולקין הישראלית! אנו קיימים מאז 1996, במטרה להפגיש בין חובבי טולקין ולקדם את אהבת העניין הטולקינאי בארץ. אנו מקבלים בברכה כל טולקינאי ומזמינים אתכם להשתתף בדיוני הקהילה ובפעילויותה. עדכון אחרון ב: 3/09/2013.
Tolkien Society Unquendor
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Hoewel Unquendor van oorsprong een literair genootschap is, is er met name de laatste jaren meer aandacht gekomen voor andere verschijnselen binnen de Tolkienbeleving: films, muziek, illustraties, kleding, (computer)spellen, etc. Voor alles is wel een plek te vinden. Dat maakt Unquendor niet alleen interessant voor lezers van zijn boeken, maar ook voor mensen die op een andere manier hun interesse voor Midden-aarde uiten.
Foreningen ble stiftet i Oslo høsten 1981. Formålet er å utbre interessen for og kunnskapen om den engelske forfatteren JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) og hans verk. Foreningens aktiviteter omfatter medlemsmøter , medlemsbladet Angerthas som kommer ut ca tre ganger årlig og et (lite) utlånsbibliotek. Sporadisk har vi også hatt salg av bøker, t-skjorter og pins.
Russian Tolkien Society
Slovenian Tolkien Society
Naslednje srečanje bo to soboto, 31. 8. 2013, ob 10.00 v parku Tivoli v Ljubljani. V primeru slabega vremena pa bo prestavljeno v knjižnico Bežigrad. (Prosim, da v petek zvečer ali soboto zjutraj preverite novice na spletni strani oz. forumu.) Naredili bomo pregled prihajajočih dogodkov (konvencija Na meji nevidnega, obisk avstrijskega in madžarskega društva, natečaj …), predsednik pa bo predstavil tudi novi veliki društveni projekt.
Spanish Tolkien Society (STE)
Bienvenido a la página web de la Sociedad Tolkien Española. Aquí encontrarás toda la información disponible sobre nuestra asociación, incluyendo las últimas noticias, dónde encontrarnos, cómo hacerte socio, artículos, revistas… Ven, pasa y disfruta junto a nosotros de la obra del Profesor.
Gothenburg – Mithlond, Gothenburg Tolkien Society
Mithlond, Göteborgs Tolkiensällskap, grundades 1981 och är en ideell förening för västsvenskar intresserade av J.R.R. Tolkiens magiska värld. Mithlond är alviska för De Grå Hamnarna.
Malmö – Angmar, Malmö Tolkien Society
Angmars syfte är att förena personer som är intresserade av J R R Tolkien och hans verk.
Stockholm – Forodrim, Stockholm Tolkien Society
Tolkiensällskapet Forodrim grundades 1972 och har mer än hundra medlemmar. Sällskapet är baserat i Stockholm, men har medlemmar i hela landet. Forodrim är ett litterärt fantasysällskap med tonvikt på J. R. R. Tolkien. Beundrare av Tolkien och andra författare finner här en plats att mötas och diskutera dessa författares verk. Sällskapet har möten cirka tio gånger per år, och utöver det träffas medlemmarna ofta i mindre grupper med speciell inriktning på t ex de språk Tolkien skapade för att använda i Sagan om ringen.
Uppsala – Midgard Fylkinggatan, Uppsala Tolkien Society
Uppsala Tolkiensällskap är Sveriges största Tolkiensällskap, grundat 1973. Föreningens syfte är att levandegöra Tolkiens Midgård i vår egen tid, och våra medlemmar strävar alltid efter att få uppleva eller skapa sagans verklighet. Även om våra aktiviteter tar sitt avstamp i trilogin om Härskarringen är vi dock inte en litterär förening i vanlig mening.
Caras Galadhon
Caras Galadhon är vår – och kanske din – tillflykt från omvärldens hårda kanter och stränga krav. Här möts vi under de susande mallornträden för att återskapa sagans värld en stund ibland, för att få byta tankar med likasinnade och för att utforska Midgårds värld, och andra, angränsande världar. Ibland berättar vi sagor för varandra, ibland bjuder vi till fest bland alver, hobbitar och människor. Ibland sitter vi i en soffa i Lund och diskuterar professorns verk, och ibland försöker vi skåda i Galadriels spegel för att få en skymt av Midgårds skimmer.
Eredain, Tolkien Society of Switzerland
La Società Tolkieniana Svizzera – Smial del Ticino, é un associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro, che raccoglie gli appassionati della vita e delle opere del Professor J.R.R. Tolkien. La società é stata costituita in Smial secondo i principi della Tolkien Society Inglese in occasione della Festa di Compleanno di Bilbo e Frodo, il 22 Settembre 2002.
Bienvenue sur le site de Tolkiendil, Association Loi 1901 pour la promotion de l’oeuvre de J.R.R. Tolkien.
J.R.R. Tolkien est un auteur britannique du vingtième siècle, devenu une référence du genre imaginaire grâce à son livre Le Seigneur des Anneaux qui faisait suite à Bilbo le Hobbit. Après sa mort, son fils fit publier ses notes décrivant son immense univers dans divers autres ouvrages notamment le Silmarillion.
L’association Tolkiendil vous propose d’explorer cet univers en participant à diverses activités comme l’organisation de rencontre, la participation à des salons, des discussions sur le chat ou le forum, l’annuaire de sites Yrch! ainsi que son site.
The Tolkien Society
Registering in England (charity no. 273809), the Society was founded in 1969 and received the blessing of Tolkien himself when he agreed to become the Society’s president; he remains the Society’s president to this day whilst his daughter, Priscilla, serves as our Vice-President.
Although based in the U. K., the Society has hundreds of members in dozens of countries around the world who hold local events in their areas and who all receive the Society’s journals Amon Henand Mallorn. What binds all members together is a shared passion for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Cambridge – Cambridge Tolkien Society
The Cambridge Tolkien Society was founded in 1983 “to further interest in the life and works of Professor Tolkien”. We do this by running a diverse range of activities.
Edinburgh – Laurelin
We are a LOTRO kidship and a smial of the official Tolkien Society, under the name Laurelin. Our smial focuses on Lotro primarily, but we love to discuss the Professor work. Smial members meet in real life to socialize and to discuss all aspect of Tolkien-lore, and for that we are based primarily in Edinburgh, Scotland, but we have been known to travel!
Oxford – Taruithorn
The Oxford Tolkien Society, or Taruithorn (Tolkien’s elvish name for Oxford), is a student-run society within the University of Oxford. Founded in 1990 by Sarah Wells (née Sturch), our main purpose is to further interest and enjoyment in the life and works of the late Professer J.R.R. Tolkien, C.B.E., all while having fun (and plenty of free cake!)
Southhampton – The Southfarthing
The Tolkien Reading Group (Southampton UK), is also the Southfarthing smial. It has been running since 2005 and meets twice a month to discuss the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. We have read all the major works at least once in that time, and are now working through less familiar material including The Kalevala, The Ntion Club Papers, and The Book of Lost Tales. We occasionally follow the habit of hobbits and go out for a meal together, choosing dates consistent with Tolkien-related events such as the Professor’s Birthday, Tolkien Reading Day, Midsummer, and Yule.
Wessex – Westemnet
Westemnet is an online smial for members of the Tolkien Society based in Wessex (defined as the traditional counties of Berkshire, Bristol, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Somerset and Wiltshire), or for “ex-pats” who have roots in that region. Members of other smials are welcome to join.
North America
Toronto – Wellinghall
Welcome to Wellinghall smial! We’re a smial of the Tolkien Society (UK) located the Greater Toronto Area. We invite everyone who loves to talk about Middle-earth, Tolkien or the Inklings to check out our Facebook group for fun discussions and general joviality.
Atlanta, Georgia – Andúnië
This group serves Andúnië, the Atlanta, GA smial of the Tolkien Society. Andúnië members gather monthly to discuss the theology and philosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work. Andúnië was the haven of the Faithful during the waning years of Númenór; in keeping with this, we are a book-clubbish group that seeks to understand the deeper Truths of Tolkien’s legendarium.
Bowling Green, Ohio – Tolkien Aficionados
Headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio, we welcome all to join TA’s online community at The interests of our members extend from the founding books, to the films, artistic, musical, culinary, and online explorations of Middle-earth.
Denver, Colorado – Misty Mountains Smial
The Misty Mountains Smial is a gathering place for Denver, Colorado area Tolkien & Lord of the Rings fans. We have moots, events, workshops, and a book discussion group. More detailed information regarding dates, times and locations can be found on our website calendar.
Longmont, Colorado – The Grey Havens Group
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The Grey Havens Group in October 2010 in Longmont, Colorado as a way to bring people together to talk about Middle-earth, celebrate it, re-imagine it and keep it alive in our hearts and minds. The Grey Havens Group meets once a week to discuss J.R.R. Tolkien and twice a month to discuss the works of The Oxford Inklings.
Highland, Michigan – The American Tolkien Society
The American Tolkien Society is dedicated exclusively to the study and fuller appreciation of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and his son, Christopher J.R. Tolkien. Through our programs, we strive to bring into contact the followers and connoisseurs of these works.
Los Angeles, California – Tolkien Forever Fellowship
This group is for all lovers of Tolkien’s works to organize and attend events in the Los Angeles / Southern California area. We are a chapter of the Official Lord of the Rings Fan Club and an Official Smial of the Tolkien Society.
Idaho – Skies of Rohan
Skies of Rohan – the Idaho and Montana Tolkien Society is a USA branch of The Tolkien Society, dedicated to providing JRR Tolkien’s THE LORD OF THE RINGS to middle and high school libraries throughout the states of Idaho and Montana.
Nashville, Indiana – Brown County Tolkien Society
The Brown County Tolkien Society was established in 2005 to celebrate and encourage interest in the life and works of J. R. R. Tolkien.
Nashville, Tennessee – Lomelindi Smial
This group serves Lómelindi, or “Dusk-Singers,” the Nashville, TN smial of the Tolkien Society. Members are also affiliated with the Official LOTR Fan Club and Everyone is welcome to join except the evil Orcs of Spam. Join us today! Long Live the Shire!
New Hampshire – The Granite State Tolkien Society
Welcome to the Granite State Tolkien Society! It is our hope that this group will help connect Tolkien fans in the New Hampshire and surrounding areas and allow us to meet up periodically for literary discussions, movie nights, and more.
Montana – Skies of Rohan
Skies of Rohan – the Idaho and Montana Tolkien Society is a USA branch of The Tolkien Society, dedicated to providing JRR Tolkien’s THE LORD OF THE RINGS to middle and high school libraries throughout the states of Idaho and Montana.
Spokane, Washington – Inland Empire Tolkien Society
This site is intended as a central repository for Tolkien enthusiasts and scholars looking for a single location to aide in learning and researching information related to J.R.R. Tolkien and his works.
Tolkien society of Argentina
Qué es la Asociación Tolkien Argentina? La Asociación Tolkien Argentina (ATA) está integrada por entusiastas de la obra de JRR Tolkien, que se han propuesto crear un espacio para compartir su afición por este autor, comprender más profundamente su creación y difundirla en el país. La ATA fue creada por un pequeño grupo de lectores, que en sus comienzos llegó a publicar un boletín por año.
O Conselho Branco Sociedade Tolkien
O Conselho Branco – Sociedade Tolkien é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos criada para estudar e divulgar a obra fantástica do escritor, professor e filólogo JRR Tolkien, considerado por muitos como o pai da Fantasia Moderna.
São Paulo – Heren Hyarmeno
Fundada em 1989 em São Paulo, Brasil, a HEREN HYARMENO (“Ordem do Sul”) foi a primeira Smial da América Latina oficialmente ligada à Tolkien Society. Um espaço para a apreciação e a troca de informações entre admiradores da obra de J.R.R. Tolkien – mas é, acima de tudo, um grupo de amigos!
Sociedade Tolkien Brasileira
Sociedade de Tolkien Brasileira (Brazilian Tolkien Society/BTS) foi fundada em 1996, com a intenção única de perpetuar e como entusiastas que somos, propagar os trabalhos, cultura e universo criados por J.R.R. Tolkien.
Sociedad Tolkien Chilena
La Sociedad Tolkien Chilena (STC) es una SOCIEDAD LITERARIA y CULTURAL compuesta -al igual que la mayoría de las Sociedades Tolkien de otros países- por un grupo de seguidores del “Espíritu de la Tierra Media” y del fantástico mundo creado por J.R.R. Tolkien. Es entonces una organización sin fines de lucro, apolítica, laica, no discriminatoria, orientada al estudio y difusión de la vida y obra de J.R.R. Tolkien.
Punta Areanas – Sociedad Tolkien Magallanes
Sociedad Tolkien de Costa Rica
We are the “Sociedad Tolkien de Costa Rica”, a big group working to spread the knowledge of Professor Tolkien across the country through monthly and cultural activities, such as Tolkien’s Birthday, Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday, Ranger’s night, Bard’s night, etc.
Tolkiendili Society of Mexico, AC
La Sociedad Tolkiendili de México, AC, es una organización no lucrativa que tiene como fines estudiar y difundir la obra del escritor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, así como crear espacios y oportunidades para su disfrute colectivo. Buscamos alentar la creación artística y la reflexión sobre diversos temas, a partir de las creaciones de dicho escritor inglés, a quien consideramos una de las cumbres de la cultura universal contemporánea.
Northeast Mexico – The Tolkien Fans Monterrey
Una estrella brilla en la hora de nuestro encuentro…. ¡Bienvenidos a Tolkien Fans Monterrey!
En este grupo, como su nombre lo dice, compartimos el gusto de ser fanáticos de los trabajos relacionados con el Maestro J.R.R. Tolkien en sus diferentes representaciones (libros, películas, juegos, etc.), siéntete libre de compartir tu gusto por sus obras con nosotros.
La Sociedad Tolkien Peruana
La Sociedad Tolkien Peruana es una Asociación Cultural con más de diez años de presencia en el medio, dedicada al estudio y difusión de la obra del Profesor J.R.R. Tolkien, mediante grupos de lectura e investigación de temas afines a la Literatura Épica-Fantástica. Nuestra visión es crear un país de lectores, usando como incentivo el estímulo a la imaginación y creatividad que la Literatura Fantástica ofrece.
Sociedad Tolkien Uruguaya