Today is Day 2 of The 12 Days of Ori! Yesterday, Adam Brown shared what it is like being part of the Tolkien community. Click here for Day 1.
Middle-earth News: How much of Ori’s design, personality, fighting style, weapons, etc. did you have a say in? How much freedom did you have to make Ori your own?
Adam Brown: Ori was created with me in mind, informed by my original audition for Bilbo. Fran, Pete and Phil wrote and created the part of Ori after seeing my audition tape for Bilbo. Pete is a big Dad’s Army fan (UK 70s sitcom), and he felt the dwarves needed a character like Pike from Dad’s Army. So I guess I had a lot of freedom to make Ori my own! It was fun being the anti-dwarf and finding weapons and fighting styles on my own. I was often working one-on-one with the stunt team to create my own Ori type moves!
But I can’t take the credit for the slingshot idea…. that was Mr Armitage!
Tomorrow: Adam shares which of his fellow dwarves was the most common target for slingshot practice in The 12 Days of Ori – Day 3.
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