
TFI 20: The Old Gaffer

Back on schedule at last! Tuesday night’s episode of The Founders’ Inklings found the hosts and chat room in a particularly jovial mood as we discussed the latest news regarding our long expected journey to New Zealand, including revealing it’s newly improved website; the Chadillac joined us for another featured member spotlight; and we covered the latest news from your favorite fantasy based, world-wide community of good-hearted free peoples at mymiddleearth.com.

The Founders’ Inklings is the show where a group of the founders of Middle-earth Network share news and views; we highlight network friends, invite special guests, and give you an inside view of the entire Middle-earth Network and its various community projects. And we invite you to participate in the show via the “Live Event” chatroom at MyMeRadio.us, or meet us inside the Bird & Baby in Michel Delving on the Landroval server in Lord Of The Rings Online each Tuesday night at 10pm, Eastern Time.

Theme song, Prancing Pony by Marc Gunn.



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