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The 12 Days of Dori – Day 10

Middle-earth News: What was the first film that you can remember seeing that made you want to be an actor? Which character? Mark Hadlow: There are so many good films but ones that stand out were […]

Baby Smaug Marquee

Baby Smaug Found in Indonesia

Is it possible that dragons are not only creatures of myth and fantasy, but are living amongst us today? Local scientists in Indonesia are asking themselves that very question! Meet Agni, the most recent addition […]

The 12 Days of Dori – Day 9

Middle-earth News: There are so many fantastic scene locations in The Hobbit films. Is there a particular set location you would love to revisit, and if so, why? Mark Hadlow: The Hobbit is shot in New […]

The 12 Days of Dori – Day 8

Middle-earth News: Film sets can be busy places! How do you stay in the moment? Do you have any tricks or games you play that help you stay fresh and spontaneous, in the moment when on […]

Stephen Hunter Posts Pictures of the Dwarves’ Rings

Mark Hadlow, who plays Dori in The Hobbit films, told us in our Twelve Days of Dori interview that instead of getting matching tattoos like the Fellowship members from The Lord of the Rings cast, […]

The 12 Days of Dori – Day 7

Middle-earth News: There are always those scenes that are difficult to film. Was there a particular scene in The Hobbit films that you’re glad you’ll never have to repeat? Mark Hadlow: I am glad I don’t […]

Exclusive Interview: Martin Freeman Talks Bilbo’s Darker Side

I was quite often asking people, “When does he go dark? Please, let me play that.” Cause I like playing that and I very easily go to that, you know what I mean? It’s a […]

The 12 Days of Dori – Day 6

Middle-earth News: Which dwarf would you say spends the most time on their hair? Nori’s style is very intricate, but Dori has so many braids! Mark Hadlow: Dori’s hair and beard is a masterpiece the platting […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth

Deviantartist darkwater-pirate and her group in her Graphic Arts class created this post-it note mural of J.R.R. Tolkien. “We were allowed to only use a pallet of up to 10 different post-it colors,” she said. […]

The 12 Days of Dori – Day 5

Middle-earth News: While filming The Lord of the Rings trilogy, members of the cast got matching tattoos. Has The Hobbit cast done the same and can you reveal what it is? If not, what do you […]