Featured News

Peter Jackson To Receive IBC International Honour for Excellence

Congratulations to Peter Jackson! Peter will receive the International Broadcasting Convention’s highest honour, the International Honour for Excellence 2013, for “fostering the relationship between technology and creativity” says The Hollywood Reporter . The award recognises his innovations in […]

Middle-earth In Watercolor: An Exclusive Interview with Artist Kinko White

Such is the nature of genius to inspire the anxious souls dwelling in this world, inspire them as an example by all the means of self expression. The point of it all is the passing on. The […]

Billy Boyd Joins “Hitchhikers” Road Show

Billy Boyd, who played Pippin in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, is to join The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Road Show in Scotland. Billy will be The Voice of the Book in the performances […]

#TaurielTrivia on Twitter

Yesterday Evangeline Lilly, who we will see in the role of Tauriel the Elf in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, realized a Tauriel-trivia section on her Twitter profile, answering to the questions of her […]

Wrath, Ruin and a Red Nightfall – An Artist’s Film by John Cockshaw

Oloris Publishing Press Release: Oloris Publishing is pleased to announce the release of a video by artist/photographer John Cockshaw for his book Wrath, Ruin and a Red Nightfall. This lavish art book is scheduled for release in […]

Interview with Aidan Turner and Dean O’Gorman

I’m loving all this stuff coming out of Boston Comic Con. Here’s an interview with Dean O’Gorman (Fili) and Aidan Turner (Kili) by Ashley Bottoms. Dean’s interview starts at 10.07  mins and Aidan’s at 13.44. […]

TheOneRing.net’s “The S.H.I.R.E Project” Aims to Promote Children’s Literacy via “The Hobbit”

Can you remember how old you were when you first read The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings? For most, if not all, of us, these stories changed our lives dramatically, no matter what […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth

I hope you all can forgive me for missing last week’s “An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth” post. Last Saturday was Reclaiming the Blade Day, a day fully devoted to the art and love of the […]

Boston Comic Con 2013: There and Back Again

I’ll preface this article by saying that Boston Comic Con 2013 was my first Comic Con; the only convention I had attended previously was an East Coast Lord of the Rings fan convention (ELF) hosted […]

DGA interviewed Peter Jackson: Fantastic Voyage

DGA (Directors Guild of America) interviewed Peter Jackson about his brilliant career. They started from Jackson’s career beginning talking Bad Taste, his first movie, up to The Lord of the Rings and, obviously, The Hobbit. […]