Featured News

New Zealand Tourism Has Overtaken Dairy as the Nation’s Top Earner of Overseas Dollars

New Zealand has always been famous for its dairy industry, but the income from dairy products has fallen by 22 percent over the past two years, Statistics New Zealand says. “Dairy farmer Jessie Chan-Dorman, who […]

Kings, Queens, and Halflings: A Historian Looks at Middle-earth, by David Cofield

Official Announcement: Oloris Publishing is happy to announce the release of Kings, Queens, and Halflings: A Historian Looks at Middle-earth by David Cofield! David Cofield first read The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings […]

The Proverbs of Middle-earth, By David Rowe

Official announcement: Oloris Publishing is excited to announce the release of The Proverbs of Middle-earth by David Rowe! An Arabic proverb says, “Before you shoot the arrow of truth, dip it in honey.” This book is both […]

Feast Week, Day 8: The Prancing Pony

It has been just a week since our brave hobbits set out from Hobbiton. And what an eventful week it was! The hobbits have already been pursued by the terrifying and mysterious Black Riders, hosted […]

Coming Soon from Oloris Publishing – Cooking for Halflings & Monsters: 111 Comfy, Cozy Recipes for Fantasy-Loving Souls

Official Announcement from Oloris Publishing: Oloris Publishing is thrilled to announce the release of Cooking for Halflings & Monsters: 111 Comfy, Cozy Recipes for Fantasy-Loving Souls by Astrid Tuttle Winegar! In Cooking for Halflings and Monsters: 111 […]

Feast Week, Day 7: Prisoners of the Barrow-wight

“When he [Frodo Baggins] came to himself again, for a moment he could recall nothing except a sense of total dread. Then suddenly he knew that he was imprisoned, caught hopelessly; he was in a […]

Feast Week, Day 6: The Feast of Tom Bombadil (Night 2)

Having taken both Tom Bombadil feast nights, I wanted to switch up the second meal with something that incorporated a lot of the ingredients while keeping it in a different vain from the previous meal. For […]

Feast Week, Day 5: The Feast of Tom Bombadil

This year I chose to do both Tom Bombadil feast nights because I liked the idea of challenging myself to make two separate amazing meals. The Bombadil feast nights are one of my favorites. It […]

Feast Week, Day 4: Farmer Maggot’s Feast

Welcome to day 4 of Feast Week! In The Lord of the Rings, September 25 is the day the hobbits arrive at Farmer Maggot’s. “In a short while fourteen sat down to eat. There was beer […]

Feast Week Day 3: The Feast of Gildor

The third day of Feast Week  brings us to The Feast of Gildor. The hobbits are continuing their journey to Bree and are feeling scared after their first encounter with a black rider: but then […]