Featured News

Call for Art Exhibition Submissions and T-shirt Designs

The Grey Havens Tolkien Smial, based out of Longmont, Colorado, is now accepting art submissions for two 2015 events! T-Shirt Design Contest 2015 T-Shirt Themes Grey Havens Group – “A star shines on the hour […]

Black Arrow Replica Available from Weta Workshop

Weta Workshop has released their replica of the legendary Black Arrow and it is indeed a beauty! The arrow measures over six feet tall and is made from metal reinforced fibreglass with a urethane head and […]

Available for Preorder: Limited Steelbox Edition with Bilbo’s Journal

While many are waiting for the Extended Edition for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, or even for a box set for the extended edition of The Hobbit trilogy, you might want to save […]

Rivendell Archway Revival

Remember that beautiful archway in Rivendell where the Fellowship departed through to start their journey? Sure you do! If you ever wanted to see it up close in person, you’re in luck! A replica of the archway has […]

Recipes of Middle-earth Tumblr

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered a fantastic blog on Tumblr and it very quickly became one of my favorites! That blog is Middle-earth Recipes and it features many yummy recipes and photos of food […]

Weta Workshop’s Black Arrow and Mystery Statue

Weta Workshop recently released their latest newsletter and there’s a lot of pretty cool news Tolkien fans will be very interested in! Have you always wanted to own a Black Arrow, the same kind that brought […]

This Week in Middle-earth

Year 3019 – The Lord of the Rings February 16 Farewell to Lorien Gollum in hiding on the west bank observes the departure ‘Yet maybe this will lighten your heart,’ said Galadriel; for it was […]

Available for Pre-order: Ruins of the North for The One Ring

Children kidnapped in the night, unusually cunning Trolls, a mysterious caravan, the fate of a company of Hobbits, the legacy of the Dúnedain and an evil awakening beneath the barrows – six new stories set […]

Reflections on ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies’

It’s the second half of February now. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies has all but disappeared from cinemas in the USA and many other places. Why has it taken so long for […]

The 12 Days of Ori – The Full Adam Brown Interview

This past December, we ran an interview with Adam Brown, who plays Ori in The Hobbit films. Each day, throughout the traditional 12 days of Christmas, we posted a Q&A titled The 12 Days of […]