Movie News

Road to the Shire Hobbits Leave for NZ in January

The Road to the Shire Hobbits: Toad, Olo, and Beri

Our friends from Road to the Shire are getting ready to take their next step on their intrepid journey to return to Middle-earth. In January, Beri, Olo, and Toad, will travel to New Zealand in their quest to be a part of the making of “The Hobbit.”

If you don’t already know who they are, make sure to check out their website for the backstory of the hobbit trio. The site also includes a blog with photos and videos meant to catch the attention of “Hobbit” fans everywhere, including celebrities like Stephen Colbert, Ellen Degeneres, and Justin Bieber. My favorite is their “Hug a Hobbit” video.

Their story was featured on the official “Hobbit” blog, and they have made numerous appearances on the small screen. But now their time has come. “I’m way excited about it,” Olo Bracegirdle said. “We’ve been building up to this point for so long, so to actually come and do it is amazing.”

Friendly airline staff donated “buddy” tickets to help them to New Zealand, and locals have been offering up their homes to the lads once they arrive. “It’s amazing how people have come out of the woodwork,” said Olo “Toad” Toadfoot.

Visas in tow, the hobbits won’t be discouraged if they aren’t immediately offered employment on “The Hobbit” movies. “It’s not like we’re going to show up, knock on the door and if they say no, just go away,” explained Olo. They plan to film their adventure for a documentary.

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