Movie News

New Hobbit Toys

A slew of brand-new Hobbit toys hit the shelves today, and while these aren’t quite the wondrous toys from the market of Dale, for fans awaiting The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, they’re pretty darn close.

Of particular interest is the “Battle-Pack” which packages Thorin Oakenshield with the gruesome Goblin King:

Why are they packaged together? Could it be that Thorin kills the Goblin King in the movie? What kind of skull is on the end of his scepter? Who makes sure he always has a spare loincloth? This toy asks more questions than it answers, but we can say that it’s easy to see the relation here between the Fellowship of the Ring’s large, lumpy cave troll and this guy. These two are marketed at 3.75″ and they retail for $29.99 at Toys R Us.

In another two-pack, we have Legolas and Tauriel, sentinels of Mirkwood and all-around eye-candy:

These two are only $14.99, no doubt owing their low price to their slender builds and ease of packaging. But… does Legolas look a little, oh… squarish to anyone else? Maybe they’re trying to beef him up since he shares a box with Kate. I mean Tauriel. I’m kind of digging her costume here, in spite of myself.

Head on over to the Toys R Us website for a look at the others. We’ve got orcs and wargs, dwarves and wizards, and of course, hobbitses. Poor Bilbo, though: he’s already backordered!

So what do you think of the new line of toys? Which will you order first? Let us know in the comments!



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