Art and Literature News

Your Local Map with a Middle-earth Inspired Design

Just like Bilbo Baggins, I have a deep love for maps. The older the map, the better. Being a Tolkien fan, I especially enjoy collecting maps of Middle-earth and currently have so many gracing the walls of my home, I’ve run out of space to display them. However, this deep flaw in my house’s design does not stop me from collecting more.

When I came across the shop In The Reads on Etsy, I instantly fell in love with their country and state maps. The designs used to create the maps are Tolkien-inspired and take on the feel of a well-used and beloved map that could be found hanging in Bag End. I was even more delighted to find they sell one that depicts my home state, North Carolina. We needs it, we wants it, precious!

Knowing that I’m not alone in my map collecting fetish, I had to share my find with you all. Check out the shop’s country and state maps HERE. The shop also offer fantasy map replicas HERE.

Happy map collecting!

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