Featured News

Official Shadow of Mordor E3 Trailer Released

With E3 less than a week away, the official trailer for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, titled “Gravewalker”, has been posted on the PlayStation blog: “Truth be told, all of us here at Monolith Productions have […]

Fan Q&A With Graham McTavish This Monday!

The incredible man behind the mighty Dwarf Dwalin, Graham McTavish, will be holding a Facebook Q&A with fans this Monday. Graham took to Facebook last evening to make the announcement. I’ve just spent some time recently […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 5, 2014

Olly Wotherspoon created this Hobbit house in his family’s back garden, spending only 14 days and £4,000. He told the Daily Mail, “We live in a normal semi-detached house on a busy road. So we […]

New ANIMATORS IN ACTION Sheds Light on Bombur Barrel Bounce

If there’s one scene that had some of the strongest reactions in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, it’s the barrel sequence after the dwarves’ escape from Thranduil’s dungeons. Fans were agog! Detractors were aghast! […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 4, 2014

Kittens dressed as Frodo and Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. Your move, Internet. (spotted by Middle-earth News director Arwen) The Irish Examiner went in search of Ireland’s Top 100 Books, and discovered that […]

Warriors of the Westfold: the Spring Festival

ALICE This has been my first Spring Festival and I was pretty excited to participate. I loved the locations of the Festival, Celondim and Duillon, with their eternal Spring, were the perfect scenery to celebrate […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 3, 2014

Hand printed and handmade by Etsy shop Feerie Doll, this bag is made of waterproof, durable material, so whether you’re trudging through the woods or climbing tall peaks, your bag will be fit for travel […]

Characters Re-imagined: Middle-earth POC Design Challenge

There is an awesome event happening on Tumblr this month (and hopefully, even longer). The Middle-earth POC Design Challenge largely stems from the desire to move beyond Middle-earth character design that is based solely on […]

Catching Up with the Armageddon Expo

During the last few days Armageddon Expo took place in both Hamilton (24-25 May) and Wellington (31 May – 2 June), NZ. John Callen, Mark Hadlow and Peter Hambleton had a panel about The Hobbit […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 1, 2014

Gonzalo Kenny is a visual designer, focused on Digital Illustration and Fantasy Art, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has a number of pieces based on Tolkien and Middle-earth, but his portrayal of Gandalf and […]