Featured News

LOTRO’s Update 14 Will Increase Level Cap and Lead Players into Gondor

LOTRO’s Update 14 is now live on the Bullroarer (beta) server, and preliminary release notes were posted on the official forums yesterday. Some of the highlights include: Level cap of 100 New Regions – free […]

Vanderbilt University Offers Free Course on Tolkien and LOTRO

Last fall, Vanderbilt University offered a course on video games as a means of telling or adapting a story – specifically, adapting the works of J.R.R. Tolkien into the popular MMO, The Lord of the […]

Ben Gardiner on Designing ‘Beowulf’

When I first found out that J.R.R. Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf was finally going to be published, I immediately wondered what the cover would look like. Would there be artwork? Original or maybe one by the Professor? What […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 12, 2014

We love this Dernhelm/Éowyn artwork by Tumblr artist CCCrystalClear! She also made this Hobbit/Wicked crossover piece we find hilariously accurate. (spotted by Middle-earth News contributor Myla) M & M Theatrical Productions visited Pensford Primary School and delighted […]

Tolkien Day with German Tolkien Society!

Journey to Middle-earth with the German Tolkien Society’s (Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft) Tolkien Day (Tolkien Tag) this weekend, June 14-15, 2014. As reported on the German Tolkien Society’s site and on thetolkienist.com, Tolkien Day will offer […]

Uruk-hai Spotted Buying Groceries!

If you believe that doing grocery shopping is a safe activity, you’ll probably change your mind after seeing this video of an Uruk-hai buying groceries! Actor Olivier Richters dressed up as one of the most […]

Aidan Turner to Guest at Odessa International Film Festival

Aidan Turner (Kili in The Hobbit) is to be a guest at the Odessa International Film Festival in July according to the Hollywood Reporter. Other guests include Lord David Puttnam and director Stephen Frears. The festival runs […]

An Eagle’s View of Middle-earth – June 11, 2014

This Gil-Galad Shield Pendant and Gondor Pendant are hand carved by artist Darrel Morris from water buffalo horn and include scrimshaw details (if you want to learn more about scrimshaw, click here). Both are available […]

Warriors of the Westfold: Overcoming LOTRO Burnout

With any MMO, it’s possible to reach a point of burnout. LOTRO is no exception. With nine characters that I regularly play on Landroval, and many more alts that I’ve started on other servers, there […]

Researcher Wants to Know ‘Did You Like HFR 3D?’

The Hobbit Audience Project at the University of Waikato in New Zealand is researching into the audience responses to The Hobbit trilogy. The research explores ‘…the complex relationships between modes of reception of spectacular blockbusters and […]